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The rack & pinion, spring arrangement is fixed at the speed breaker which is mounded bellow the L-shapes window. The spring is used to return the inclined L shapes window in same position by releasing the load. The pinion shaft is connected to the supporter by end bearings. The larger sprocket also coupled with the pinion shaft, so that the large sprocket is running the same speed of pinion. The larger sprocket is coupled to the small cycle sprocket with the help of chain (cycle). This larger sprocket is used to transfer the rotation force to the smaller sprocket. The smaller sprocket is running same direction for the forward and reverse direction of rotational movement of the larger sprocket. This action locks like a cycle pedaling action. The fly wheel and gear wheel is also coupled to the smaller sprocket shaft. The flywheel is used to increase the rpm of the smaller sprocket shaft. The gear wheel is coupled to the generator shaft with the help of another gear wheel. The rack will be attached to the top plate of the speed breaker, once the top plate moves down will move the rack with vertical motion. The pinions will be placed into a shaft and mech with the rack in order to convert the vertical motion to horizontal. This cycle will allow the generator to covert power.

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